Is French Beard Attractive? [Here’s What to Know]

is french beard attractive

A French beard is a style of beard that usually connects mustaches with beards extending toward the apex of the chin. It is also known as box beard. The style was first introduced in France centuries ago.

Down the line, it climbed up in huge popularity in Western Europe and soon after worldwide. The question is, a lot of people asked- Is French beard attractive?

Since famous celebrities are spotted with French beards so it clearly indicates that a French beard is attractive and trending nowadays. Besides, tons of women find it appealing and hot.

A French beard is easy to grow and requires less maintenance, even beard lovers can shape or trim it by DIY method. So you don’t have to visit a salon frequently or spend hundreds to keep yourself groomed.

Aside from easy maintenance, it comes with a lot of variations that suit almost any face type. So you are more flexible to taste different variations beforehand and finally go with the one you like the most.

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3 Pros and Cons of French Beard

Every beard style has some pros and cons, a French beard is no difference.


1. Easy to grow and style, also requires less maintenance.

2. Roughly, all face types suit French beard styles, so whether you have an oval or round face type, you are good to go with it.

3. Don’t require hairs on cheeks, only around the chin and on upper lips, optionally, a soul patch. As a result, men with less or sparse facial hair can try French beards.


1. Royal style, not for mass people, only for royal men.

2. It will give you a swashbuckling image, which some people may not like.

3. It’s an old-school type beard style.

3 Tips for French Beard Growth

Although, a French beard is easy to grow but following some guidelines will make your journey easier. So let’s dive deep in.

1. Grow It First

While trying to sport a French beard, first thing first, let your beards grow to its full length. Once it is fully grown, now is the time to trim or shave off the unnecessary hair and give it your preferred shape. This way, you will grow it in a better way.

2. Plan a Specific Style

There is a bunch of variations of French beard styles like- long French beard, short French beard, thin French beard, and so on.

So picking a specific style and focusing on that will make your journey easier. Here are some other style ideas.

3. Try Beard Shaping Tools

It could be, sometimes, difficult to acquire the French beard shape without any shaping tools so it’s wise to use the necessary shaping tools. They will save you a lot of time and give you a sharp beard shape. Here are my recommended tools.

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3 Tips for French Beard Maintenance

Growing a French beard is easy but maintenance is, of course, a bit difficult so you have got to follow a regular routine.

Besides, incorrect attempts with the wrong items may even hurt your beard. So below are 3 maintenance tips for French beards.

1. Wash It Regular

Beard traps dirt, bacteria, and viruses when we go outside, so it’s a clear indication that our beards are not hygienic, so the regular wash is important, if not then our beards become a safe place for bacteria and viruses to breed.

Using a good quality 100% organic beard wash will be a huge plus to remove those harmful germs from your beard hair. Here is my recommended one.

2. Keep It Fresh and Groomed

It’s equally important to keep your beards fresh and groomed. Trimming unnecessary hairs from your cheeks and using some grooming products will make your beard more attractive.

So, is French beard attractive? The answer is- Yes if you can grow and maintain it properly.

While mentioning grooming items, it means 100% organic and harmful additives-free grooming products, not low-quality junk ones.

3. Be Careful While Trimming

Trimming protects your beards from split ends and gives a nice look, while doing so you need to focus on the trimmer you use.

A low-quality trimmer doesn’t work well and may even hurt your facial hair. So don’t use any random one, here is my recommendation.

french beard styles


French beard is in trend for centuries ago, people still love to sport it. So it indicates that French beard is attractive and women are captivated by French beard styles. let’s see the statistics.

I hope I could answer your question- Is French beard attractive? Leave your questions and suggestions in the comment section below.

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